How to Choose The Perfect Colors For Your Spring Wedding - Wedded Wonderland (2024)

How to Choose The Perfect Colors For Your Spring Wedding

How to Choose The Perfect Colors For Your Spring Wedding - Wedded Wonderland (1)

Spring heralds a season of renewal, warm weather, and vibrant gardens, making it a favored time for weddings. As couples look forward to planning their nuptials during this enchanting season, one of the most pivotal decisions lies in choosing the perfect colors to complement their special day.

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The palette chosen not only sets the tone for the event but also reflects the personalities and tastes of the couple.

How to Choose The Perfect Colors For Your Spring Wedding - Wedded Wonderland (2)

To guide you through this colorful journey, we’ve sought the expertise of Zaynah from Oh! Such Style and Vicky, founder of Vicky Rahmic Weddings & Events. Both are renowned wedding planners and stylists, and key partners of Wedded Week, bringing years of experience and a keen eye for style to the table.

Oh! Such Style, hailing from New Zealand, is celebrated for its modern, romantic, and elegantly feminine aesthetic since 2008.

How to Choose The Perfect Colors For Your Spring Wedding - Wedded Wonderland (3)

On the other hand, Vicky Rahmic, an Australian Accredited Wedding Planner, is synonymous with luxury, bespoke celebrations that echo the unique essence of each couple.

Together, they share invaluable insights into selecting the ideal color palette that will make your spring wedding unforgettable.

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How do you choose the perfect colors for a spring wedding?

Selecting the perfect color palette for a spring wedding is a personal and creative process that greatly depends on the couple’s unique vision for their special day. “Ultimately this depends on the couple and their vision for the day. In saying that, when we think of Spring, we think of soft pastels that just give you that Springtime feeling,” Zaynah of Oh! Such Style shares.

How to Choose The Perfect Colors For Your Spring Wedding - Wedded Wonderland (5)

It’s essential to also factor in the setting of your wedding. “The other thing to consider is your foundation aka your venue, and ensuring that no matter what tones you choose, they either compliment your venue’s unique style, or you’re using accent colours or foliage to bridge that gap.”

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Echoing the sentiment of tailoring your choices to personal tastes, Vicky of Vicky Rahmic Weddings & Events advises couples to delve into what truly speaks to them. “Reflect on your personal style and preferences as a couple. Choose colours that resonate with you and reflect your personality. Consider the colourings of the venue and the shades of colour that the light reflects.

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Experiment with different colour combinations to find the perfect balance. Try pairing soft pastels with neutral tones for a more romantic look, or if you want to go with a classic all white wedding try using different shades of whites.

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Want to use bold colours then try looking at different shades, forms and textures, look outside the box, bringing in colour doesn’t have to only be with your flowers. You can use fruit, vegetables, cutlery, your table linen and stationery.” This approach not only allows for a palette that truly represents the couple but also opens up endless possibilities for creativity and personalization in their wedding design.

What are the most popular colors for a spring wedding?

When it comes to pinpointing the most beloved hues for spring nuptials, the palette is as varied as it is vibrant. Zaynah from Oh! Such Style notes, “We love a soft baby blue, tied in with pastel shades of pink and yellow. However more recently we’re seeing couples lean towards a soft purple which is just a gorgeous and not so obvious Spring shade. With that said we recently had a Spring wedding and they opted for bright pinks and oranges with shades of purple and greens, so as we always say, do what suits you. There’s no right or wrong way when it comes to your wedding design.” This suggests that while certain colors may trend, the ultimate choice should reflect the couple’s personal style and vision.

How to Choose The Perfect Colors For Your Spring Wedding - Wedded Wonderland (9)

Echoing the importance of personal preference, Vicky from Vicky Rahmic Weddings & Events expands on the palette’s diversity, “As for the most popular colours for a spring wedding, pastel shades such as blush pink, soft lavender, baby blue, mint green, and peach are perennial favourites as individual colours or ombre. These colors evoke a sense of romance and whimsy, making them ideal choices for springtime celebrations.”

How to Choose The Perfect Colors For Your Spring Wedding - Wedded Wonderland (10)

“Additionally, incorporating pops of brighter hues like coral, yellow, or turquoise can add depth and visual interest to your colour palette. I always choose between black and white, a metallic and then 2/3 colours that resonate with my couples to start designing. Then I look at bringing different textures & materials to bring together.” This comprehensive approach ensures the wedding’s color scheme is both personal and enchanting, blending traditional spring pastels with unexpected pops of color and texture for a truly unique celebration.

How to Choose The Perfect Colors For Your Spring Wedding - Wedded Wonderland (11)

Choosing the perfect colors for your spring wedding is more than just a detail—it’s a celebration of love, a reflection of your journey, and a way to create an atmosphere that resonates with your shared dreams and aspirations.

The insights provided by Zaynah of Oh! Such Style and Vicky of Vicky Rahmic Weddings & Events, both esteemed Wedded Week partners, offer a foundation to embark on this colorful adventure. Their expertise underscores the importance of selecting a palette that not only enhances the beauty of your spring wedding but also imbues it with personal meaning and elegance.

How to Choose The Perfect Colors For Your Spring Wedding - Wedded Wonderland (12)

Be sure to register for Wedded Week to explore exclusive offers and deals from our partners, ensuring that your celebration of love is as vibrant and heartfelt as the spring itself.

Register now forWedded Weekand unlock exclusive offers and deals from our talented partners, designed to enhance your wedding planning journey. Whether you’re seeking exquisite bridal attire, stunning venue options, top-notch photography services, or bespoke floral arrangements, our partners have you covered.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to access premium resources and expert guidance to create the perfect celebration of your love. Join us forWedded Weekand embark on a seamless and unforgettable wedding planning experience. Register today!


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How to Choose The Perfect Colors For Your Spring Wedding - Wedded Wonderland (2024)
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