Core Mining – Ed Mining (2024)

We need another charge at least to get it into the blue like below. You can see a few red dots. This is okay, so long as it says in blue below the detonation timer, you Optimum Yield Range!

If you are under the Optimal Yield Range then you’ll have to keep placing Seismic Charges. If you go over you’ll have to either take the penalty of a reduced yield or disarm a charge and try another Fissure. Keep in mind, when you disarm a charge it takes 10 seconds and renders the Fissure useless. So you only really get 1 try per Fissure.

Finally, once you reach the blue Optimal Yield area, GET AWAY from the asteroid. You have the option to Detonate Now in the Navigation Panel, which will then detonate in 10 seconds regardless of how much time remained. If you are too close, and/or don’t have sufficient shields you could be damaged or destroyed. 1000km seems to be a safe minimum distance.

Also, this type of mining is known to beat up your ship from hitting the large pieces of the now blown up asteroid. Shields are recommended, or a good nimble ship, or Elite pilot. You’ll likely have to do some maneuvering of your ship-to properly line up shots with your Abrasion Blaster to shoot off Surface Deposit chunks.

The position with Core mining seems to be important with both ship damage and limpet efficiency. Limpets are weak drones and break easily. Try to keep the line of sight with your fragments. If you see that a fragment is behind a large piece of an asteroid, your limpet will have to fight the surface of that asteroid to get to the fragment and back to you. It is common for them to get destroyed on such a perilous journey. Keep a line of sight and they typically make it back okay.

Additionally, be aware of what is “under you”, or more specifically make sure there is nothing obstructing your cargo hatch. If you have an asteroid piece rotating too close to your cargo hatch, or you unknowingly hoover just above it and all your limpets are dying, it's because they are hitting that large obstacle while trying to enter your cargo hold. Simply move, and regain the line of sight.

General Rules for Seismic Charges:

Below we go over some general rules for how to best match warhead strength with Fissure Strength. In general, you want to start with Low Strength Fissures, then Average, then High. The reason for this is two-fold.

  1. Easier control over the detonation yield. Notice you only have two lines that blue bars can live in. It is easy to go below, and go above, thus the challenge. Using Low Strengths first fill up the lower yellow bars quicker. Then you have more forgiveness using a High Strength charge for the final "fine-tuned shot" than another Low Strength, were holding just a bit longer than you should yield more detonation charge.
  2. Uses fewer Seismic Charges in the long run. You don't want to end up having to synthesis these, as they are expensive on material and you don't get many. This method will help preserve your charges.

Ice Mining Fissure Combinations

You have a total of eight (8) Fissures to work with. Assuming you have at least two Low Strength Fissures, typically (but not always) try two (2) 100% loads on seismic charges. This should be optimal. If not then find a High Strength Fissure and shoot at 50% or find an Average and shoot at 25%. If only another low exists then barely fire.

Assuming you have one Low Strength Fissure to with, use 100% on the Low Strength Fissure, 100% on an average, and 75% on a High Strength Fissure.

Assuming you only have no Low Strength Fissure then it typically works out with three (3) 100% Average Strength Fissures, or two (2) Average Strength Fissures at 100%, and 1 High Strength at 75%.

  • Low 100%
  • Low 100%
  • High 50%


  • Low 100%
  • Average 100%
  • High 75%


  • Average 100%
  • Average 100%
  • Average 100%


  • Average 100%
  • Average 100%
  • High 75%

For Rock Mining Fissure Combinations

  • Low 100%
  • Average 60%


  • Low 100%
  • Low 100%
  • Average 50%


  • Average 100%
  • High 100%
  • High 100%

These are GUIDELINES and not rules. It is irritating when two (2) 100% Low Strength Fissures equals too much for example, but can and does happen. You’ll have to disarm and retry another Fissure.

Core Mining – Ed Mining (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.